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Old 26th October 2014, 06:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 28
Default Philippine Tenegre just auctioned


This really interesting 19th century tenegre with a deity hilt was just auctioned. I didn't get it and hope someone in the group did.

I would be interested in what people think of it - in particular, the significance of the triangle which looks like it originally had a stone in the center (pearl?). Also, the spanish coin from 1885 on the scabbard. I was tempted to think the triangle may be Katipunan-influenced (or indicate the sword belonged to a Katipunan member), but am not sure. If so, then having a Spanish coin with the profile of the king is confusing. Or maybe these are just decorations and not necessarily symbolic? Any thoughts?

Am posting some pictures from the auction site.
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