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Old 20th October 2014, 09:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Vincennes (France)
Posts: 2
Default pia kaetta dagger "pihiya"

I did not post very often since I am on the forum... in fact it is my first post

I do hope It will be of some interest for some of you... a pia kaetta dagger.

I would never have found what is it without the forum... So, sharing an image of it with you is a way to thank you for the quality of the forum.

Without the knowledge of the forum I would have never know that the stick with the knife is not to be used like a fork (as I first tought ) but as a tool to write (on what ? no idee).

So the owner of this one was able to read and write...

I have no idee about how old it is... the blade looks quite old but the deco of the scabbard looks not (I should be wrong estimate on or the other).

It is not silver nor imitation but brass and copper only.

Any idee about if it is an old piece or later copy.

I have looked a lot of on the internet to find a similar make but I did not found any.

Any way it is one of the most original knife in my collection...

Thank you for your interest looking at it and thank you for you feeling about that little pia kaetta.

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