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Old 20th October 2014, 05:44 PM   #12
Oliver Pinchot
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 460

Sorry to weigh in a little belatedly, Alex and Ilias nailed it. It's a classic form of Ottoman dagger from the first half of the 17th century. The faceted, waisted grip is characteristic, and is the lightly-curved, double-edged blade. This type of wootz is often found on Ottoman blades; it was called Istanbul Beyaz, or Istanbul White, as the constituents tend to etch very pale, usually ranging from silver to a light gray at the darkest. Patterns are usually random, like the examples shown.
The scabbards of these daggers are their most distinctive characteristic, this one has long since been replaced, apparently in northeast Africa. One rarely sees these on the market. Nice catch, Charles.
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