Thread: Powder Flasks
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Old 13th October 2014, 08:58 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 128

I have searched the records of the State Library in Sydney for drawings of a kangaroo similar to the figure on the flask, but no luck there either.

Hi Paul, according to that 1967 Caps & Flints article the image of the kangaroo has been taken direct from a broad sheet on the "Wonderful Kangooru". Also that this printed pamphlet was distributed in London early in the 19th century when these animals were first put on exhibition at Vauxhall Gardens, and that this pamphlet has been reprinted in the book "Patriots All". Hopefully they will have a copy of that at the library so you can see if the image is the same as that on your flask. Regards, Adrian.
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