Originally Posted by Robert Coleman
Would either one of these swords be classified as a "sansibar"? 
Just trying to keep things honest Ian. The original question was not if someone (meaning what Region) would classify it, it was more of a generic question if the sword would be classified as a sansibar.
The supplied link by zamboanga (great link!) even added the word bolo (great call zelbone). So is it a sansibar? A sansibar bolo? One can go on and on repeating the earlier names.....
We have to step out of our western mind set and see these objects in their local setting and culture(s). The issue for us is that they indeed cross over multiple cultures and are called many names in many dialects.
I know personally at times, that it feels like I am trapped in a maze with these names. But heck, where would the fun be if it were all easy?