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Old 9th October 2014, 05:33 PM   #7
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Hi Fernando,

absolutely 9 beauties.
but they are not the katzbalgers I've posted!
Only the Katzbalger in post 1 and the first extremely beautiful non excavated Katzbalger in post 4 with etched grip are under my care.
the others excavated ones are from various museums in the Netherlands; rijksmuseum van oudheden leiden, Museum Rotterdam, army museum Delft / soesterberg ect.

This group as #1 is a very rare subgroup of the Katzbalger and comes up in the second quarter of the 16th century 1525-1540.
The common feature of this group is the comb or medial rich on the flat of the flaired "pommel" and recurved quillons, each formed of a writhen bar issuant from a serpent's head , actually like all katzbalgers in this thread have!

the other 7 are of a different style, I will post them one by one when I have completed the study of similar examples in museums, private collections and art.

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Last edited by cornelistromp; 10th October 2014 at 07:36 AM.
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