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Old 7th October 2014, 01:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ken Maddock
Are there 2 sets of holes on both sides
Is the one closest to the open end also a slot
Is it all one piece

I do not know what it is but it is only a detergent to stop someone playing/messing with whatever was locked inside, like the old tea caddies or a spirits tantalus
it could be smashed if someone really wanted the item inside so I would not think it is a gun item
I like this sort of thing and will ponder longer
All duly noted, Ken.
Both sides have a slot closest to the open end.
Yes, it is only one piece.
Worthy of note is that the inside bottom is completely flat through all three sections and not conical or pointy as if it were drilled. Whatever tool used, it looks as it was milled.
This thing sure looks like having been made with a significant master labour.
Not to exclude that its roundish shape at the close end could be a means of hanging it in some profiled section; like one only a multiple rack.


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