Originally Posted by Ian
So the experts on Visayan swords are stumped to name this one!
Does one have to born locally to know the code for what to call the various styles and forms? If so, is there anyone on this forum who can reasonably contribute to that discussion, or are we left with the position that talibong or sundang (or some other generic term for "sword" in one of the local dialects) is as close as we can get?
Ian, sometimes the answers are not all easy. Sometimes the question will form its own answer and it may not be the answer one expects. I have seen these swords travel through different hands and they are indeed called by different names.
I have a deep respect for the experience and knowledge of themorningstar, LabanTayo and zelbone (and many others). It may be more meaningful to ask if anyone would call it a sansibar?

Otherwise, I would have to agree with their answers.