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Old 4th October 2014, 11:38 PM   #1
Keris forum moderator
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Default WWII Filipino Sword???

Here's one for the Philippines aficionados in the group. This is not really my area (when i buy filipino weapons they are usually Moro and insurrection era), but when i saw it at the antique mall today it just sorta called me. My guess is that it is end of WWII based on the use of aluminum on the ferrule and eagle crest and the fact that the banner says "Victory".
The blade is fierce and razor sharp. The length is about 19 3/4 in. and the thickness is about 1/4 in. at the base. It is flat on one side and sort of convex on the other, not unlike a mandau. Feels very good and well balanced in hand with a nice weight.
The guard and bands seem to be brass. The guard is quite solid, firm yet springy.
The hilt appears to be horn with some paint on it (note the red around the mouth).
Sorry about the photos. Just quickies with the iPhone, but hopefully they are good enough for an ID.
I would like to know more about what tribal affiliation this blade might have, it's proper name and if you think i have the dating on it correct. Thanks!
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