This has got to be one of the cheapest pieces that I have ever bought on epray, even less than the cost of lunch for one at McBarnyards Golden Starches. While not one of the fanciest daggers that I have seen and not in ideal condition it does look to be fairly well made. With this style of blade I am not quite sure if this piece is from the Philippines, Mexico or any of the other former Spanish colonies. What makes this so interesting to me is the material that was used in the construction of the scabbard. To me it looks to have been made from a sheet of tin.

The shape of the leather collar (to me anyway) definitely shows Spanish styling. The dagger is about 12-1/2 inches in total length with an 8-1/2 inch blade. The hilt itself is made of wood with iron bands, guard and butt plate. The whole piece looks to have some decent age to it and I would say that it as made before WWII, but how much before I'm not quite sure. As this item is has not arrived and is still somewhere between the west coast and my home I can only post some of the auction photos. Any thoughts on age, place of origin or other comments on the odd piece would be greatly appreciated.