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Old 22nd September 2014, 10:12 PM   #13
Vikingsword Staff
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Originally Posted by blue lander
I think I read somewhere that they stopped making military corvos in Chile a few years ago, and that current military issue ones were being made in China. I can't find any source online for modern corvos, at least not affordable ones.
Hi blue:

You can find an occasional site with these knives but they are not the ones made by FAMAE. The fittings on the ones I have seen for sale are rather poor. I don't know where they are made now. There was an attempt to find a new company to provide them but I believe several tentative deals with China and Spain fell through, and I don't know if anyone is making the military versions now.

Incidentally, FAMAE (the Chilean Government arms maker) only made the two forms of military corvo from 1974-2000--there was an officer/commando grade corvo with a pronounced hook, and an NCO grade one with a lesser curve. Both were made in a polished metal or black matte finish. The FAMAE-made ones come up at auction from time to time, but less so lately than they used to. I picked up a couple in the early 2000s off eBay.


Last edited by Ian; 22nd September 2014 at 10:28 PM.
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