Thread: Keris Mismatch
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Old 22nd September 2014, 10:27 AM   #4
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Hello Sid,

agree with Alan that you will have get more respond when you have shown them piece by piece in a own thread. Agree also what he have written about what is to do with them. Care the blades, many is written about this in old threads.
Polish the wood with car polish from piece 1 & 2. Keris 2 could need maybe a better pendok but difficult to say without better pictures, maybe polish the existent pendok first, it will look much better after this. The sheaths from 3 & 4 are not proper for the blades like Alan said but it need some knowledge and good luck to find matching ones and also some craftsmanchip to fit them for the blades, look for example here:
BTW, the hilt from #4 seems to be very nice, maybe show some close ups.

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