Thread: Keris Mismatch
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Old 21st September 2014, 12:58 AM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Sid, I think that perhaps the reason you did not get responses is because you have posted a number of pics in one thread, but without identifying numbers.

Since nobody apparently wants to ID these pics for you, I'll make a couple of comments and maybe get the ball rolling.

From the top:

#1 -- general clean-up

#2-- general clean-up

#3 -- this is a hodge-podge of bits & pieces:- blade, hilt, mendak need a Jawa scabbard; existing scabbard probably should be thrown into the spares box

#4 -- as for #3

All four keris are run of the mill older pieces, and cleaned up and the dress abnormalities corrected could sit quite comfortably in a collection, but at the moment they do need a bit of attention.
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