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Old 11th September 2014, 03:06 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by David
Just to follow through on this volcano theory, the one i would think it most likely to represent would be Mt. Apo. Not only is it in the Moro region, but like Mt. Semeru in Jawa, Mt. Apo is also the tallest mountain in the active volcano in the country. It is consider sacred by many of the surrounding tribes.
Hi David:

Mt Apo is a beautiful mountain to visit. It is just outside Davao City and looms over that city of over a million people. There is a national sanctuary there for the Philippine eagle.

I had the privilege of visiting that area many times in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It is not really part of Moroland, being located on the eastern side of Mindanao, and more the home of the Bagobo, Tagakaolu, and related tribes.

Jose may be on to something with his reference to Bud Bagsak on the island of Jolo. I believe this volcano has significant meaning to the Tausug, and it was the scene of a famous battle in 1913. A local leader, datu Amil, took his whole population of several thousand people (some estimate 10,000 men, women and children) up the mountain and into the caldera, which was heavily fortified, and challenged the Americans to come and take them.

US forces under command of General John Pershing tried to encourage the women and children to leave, but when it became clear that all of the population was ready to fight Pershing overwhelmed the Moro rebels in several days of fierce fighting. Spears, kris, barung, and a few firearms thrown in, were no match for US artillery. The Moro rebels were annihilated.

Pershing wrote afterwards that the fighting was the fiercest he had ever seen. "They are absolutely fearless and once committed to combat they count death as a mere incident."


Mt Apo overlooking Davao City (1998)
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Last edited by Ian; 11th September 2014 at 03:34 PM.
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