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Old 9th September 2014, 02:43 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by dana_w
I wish that I could provide more information on the cannon's provenance. It was purchased by my father about ten years ago from a dealer near Frederick, MD. I have met the dealer a number of times at the Baltimore Arms Collectors Show and will give him a call to see if he can tell me any more.

If you think this piece may have been "artificially aged" Fernando, can you explain why? What do you see in the photos that makes you think that could be the case? Or are you just suspicious of any of these cannons?
If you research a bit on this theme you will find that in 'certain' commercial milieu the ageing of pieces is rather common. Also these lantakas were so popularized that the number of non functional examples out there in the market is, i dare say, a lot higher than those made for battle. It just happened that way; either due to their appeal or/and cultural reasons as, in that region, having lots of those was a good exterior sign of wealth. Therefore for some arms collectors is always important to distinguish whether an example was a real fighting one or a passive device.
And yes, to my eyes a couple contours in this example you posted looks far more decorative than operational ... the wedge vent rims and not only.
But of course, other members with far more knowledge may tell you more about the subject; even simply correct me.
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