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Old 3rd September 2014, 12:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Akaalarms
Fantastic work Eric. The editing of the images really do make a difference in viewing the items and studying the detail - good job!

Thanks Runjeet, while I do appreciate that the Met actually took any pictures at all which is something many museums have not done, unless photos are properly edited they are not fully utilizing the images.

Here is a link to all of the Mets katar images

Some are probably pre-digital, others are more recent. You can zoom in on the high resolution images and see the details but you have to edit them to save and study the details, and to compare front and back views etc. Also when the images are properly displayed in a way that allows all of the images to be seen at one time such as with Pinterest it is much easier to study them.

A few interesting things I have noted is the use of some sort of silvering covering entire blades or even the whole katar, and the way many blades seem to be set at an angle and not just straight with the handle.
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Last edited by estcrh; 3rd September 2014 at 04:58 PM.
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