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Old 1st September 2014, 10:35 PM   #8
blue lander
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 456

Oh well, stinks that its a fake. The blade looks fairly scratched up though, o don't know if that's from usage or just poor finishing.

I've been trying to get more Mongolian knives from my inlaws who live over there but cultural differences have gotten the way. I asked for an antique knife, but to them it'd be insulting to give a relative somebody's old knife. So I said fine, get me a new one. But new ones are very expensive because they're adorned with silver. So I said fine, get me a plain one without any silver. But they wouldn't do that either because "even a poor person's knife has some silver on it."

My final attempt is for them to buy a cheap unadorned knife and then bring it to jeweler who can add some silver decorations. This is apparently cheaper than buying a premade one.
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