Busy day today. this club arrived late afternoon from a dealer in the netherlands. the 'eyebrows' & 'noses' either side of the tip,appear to be janus-like easter-islandish faces? or maybe wings.
Billed as

only info provided)
early 20th century wooden club Malaita Solomon Islands
Size: 95 cm or 37 inches
nice shiny polished finish, tool marks almost unnoticeable. weight 700 grams (1.56 lb.). nice thick lenticular cross section of the blade, round grip & pommel extension. small sliver of edge broken off at one edge of blade just above the 'eyebrows' and 'noses' near the tip about 2 " long.. exposed wood a very dark brown. blade is about 2 in. wide x 3/4" thick at the tip. no decorative carvings at all.
i really like this one. gripped just above the ring feels best, can used with your off hand on the pommel extension for 2-handed blows. no lanyard or fibre wrap. i've heard the 'noses' were used with a quick slap to the temples of an opponent to crush their skull there. the edges used to break bones elsewhere.