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Old 26th August 2014, 10:55 PM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

OK, I'll bite, but as stated, this is a guessing game.

Guessing, and based on what I can see in the photos.

I am not basing my guesses on most of the things I would rely upon if I were able to examine these keris. This means that anything I say here could be contradicted with better photos or with handling of the blade.
I would like to be able to avoid tangguh/classification, but regrettably I will be compelled to use a little input from this source.

#1 --- North Coast/Tuban, before 1800

#2 --- Madura (Sumenep) 1980's

#3 ---Central Jawa, inferior work, possibly re-shaped, 19th century

#4 --- North Coast, tending to East Jawa; physically the form may related to Tuban, but the pamor work shows Madura influence. Close magnified examination of the construction and material would be necessary to form a defensible opinion, but in compliance with the "rules of the game", I'd give it as 19th century.

#5 --- Central Jawa under the influence of Ngayogyakarta, HB, 19th century. Note "influence of", I am not saying that this is a kraton standard keris, I am saying it is influenced by kraton standards:- the maker had a very good try but didn't quite get there. This is a nice keris. 19th century.

#6 --- Stylistically this would pass for Mataram Sultan Agung, but it is very probably a much later copy, only close magnified examination would confirm or disallow this guess. The kinatah work is probably late 19th century --- and the keris itself may also date from this time. Another nice keris.
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