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Old 24th August 2014, 07:59 PM   #1
Marcus den toom
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Default Flint with lead holder

I boughed this fine specimen from a metal detector enthausiast and he found them near the city of Gorichem in the Netherlands. This same guy has found several pieces of clod shot which are visble in this thread (
This flint with it original lead holder is almost complete with only missing one lead strap at the left side. These flints are very hard to find intact but they appear from time to time at the Dutch battlegrounds of the Golden ages. The war against the Spanish was held against many city´samong them Gorichem which was reclaimed by the "water Geuzen" (Rebel forces) and the grand army of the Prince of Nassau. This flint with holder could have been used by these forces. The battle was foughed on the 26th of June 1572. EDIT "as Adrian correctly remarked, the flintlock was not yet made in this period of time, my appologies for this misinformation"

Last edited by Marcus den toom; 25th August 2014 at 12:56 PM.
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