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Old 22nd August 2014, 09:46 PM   #2
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 926
Thumbs up Auctions have begun

The first group from Lew's collection is now posted on ebay and includes a kirach with a tulwar hilt, a tulwar with a fine fluted silvered hilt and a blade with a yelman, a nice Balinese keris, a Kachin or Naga sword dao, a Moroccan koummya dagger, a khukuri and a true Fijian kiakavo dina dance club.

You may view an index of the current auctions on ebay seller lew-57.

The remainder of the first lot, including a takouba, kaskara, Manding sword, two knobkerrie clubs, an aceh sikin and a reproduction Hanuman keris holder figure will follow, probably next week.

Previews of upcoming items including photos and descriptions may be found at
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