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Old 15th August 2014, 03:08 AM   #21
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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In a post of some most interesting katars, and the developing discussion, why in the world this person with no interest in these and nothing to add to the discussion decide to intervene and insult a most valued senior member here? The poster, Mr Kelly, fully took in stride the responses from Jens.

I can honestly say that in well over four decades of the study of arms, and in more instances I can recount in conversations with authors, collectors, dealers, and well known scholars on these subjects...often times their retorts or responses may have been perceived as brusque or blunt, but 'rude' is not a term I would use. These men indeed shared their knowledge with me, but bluntly challenged me to find answers on my own as well . That message served me well, and I did, and they taught me exactly what Jens tried to say.......if you intend to pursue a field of study, it must be a serious approach and answers are out there, but must be found, not simply handed over.

I have written on these forums for over 17 years (2004 was a benchmark when the forum was reorganized) and Jens was writing here before then as well.
He has become one of the foremost authorities on katars and tulwars (though he will never admit it!) and has been the very person most here turn to on these arms for a these years.
I resent the 'rude' comment about Jens ...period!

He has openly shared his knowledge here with countless members and readers over all these years, and entirely advanced all of our knowledge on these arms, together. I have written here as long , and spent countless hours and days and often money researching in order to offer as much information as possible to learn with others has Jens.

I emphatically note this not only as a friend of Jens, but proudly as a colleague here who is boundlessly grateful for all he has openly shared.
His articles are of course involving purchase, but as anyone who has published knows, it is because they are in published journals which are not free.
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