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Old 14th August 2014, 11:55 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
The supposed 250 year old 32 paged (interesting number) keris manuscript depicts the Taming sari to have been a keris Picit. Have not read much about the legends surrounding this keris to know if it is consistently depicted as such.
The manuscript goes into detail about such markings but from a Sufi perspective or at least a Sufi interpretation of such markings.
Well, onward perhaps, but i'm not convinced about upwards. Taming Sari is a keris steeped in legend so if the goal of your enquiry is to find out facts about keris picit this might not be the best path for you.
BTW, Taming Sari is supposedly part of the Perak royal regalia and that keris at least is not a keris picit. It would probably not be consistent to legend for Taming Sari to be keris picit since the legends tend to speak of it as a martial weapon, not a talismanic one. I have never seen a keris picit that was meant for or would be suitable for martial activity. They are purely talismanic blades.
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