Indeed, the blade is very sharp and toothy especially towards the hilt, I'm very careful when handling it.
The "slot" in the hilt is a bit wider than the blade itself so you can see a bit of the inside of the hilt. It's black in there too, which leads me to believe it's African Black Wood. Either that or they dipped the entire hilt in black paint so the inside was coated as well. I don't know how to test either way other than chipping a bit of the surface off in an inconspicuous place. I could cover it back up with black nail polish if it turns out to be paint. The seller said it was ebony but I highly doubt that.
Thank you for the information! You've given me a lot of new regions/peoples to google.
Edit: I scraped a tiny bit near where the blade meets the hilt. It's definitely paint. The wood underneath is brown.