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Old 13th August 2014, 03:23 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
I call them blessing marks just for want of a better word but they are actually produced during the process of transforming a keris from a dead keris to an alive keris, or if you prefer a charged keris.
Keris Picit are a relatively rare thing to encounter and there are a great many keris that have been produced over that ages that have been forged without such marks that i am sure were considered to be "alive" by their makers so obviously pressing one's fingers into hot molten iron was not the only method for imbuing spirit into a blade.
Originally Posted by Pusaka
The esoteric method of doing this is still known to some and is a very secret thing if you are passed this information.
Unless you have some direct knowledge of this you would like to share i will remain of the mind "perhaps/perhaps not". I certainly cannot say that i have seen any recently made keris picit created by any modern day empu (a rather dwindling company to be sure) that lay claim to it being a "living" keris. What i have seen produced by those few who lay claim to the title of empu are more along the the lines of modern form artistic pieces which may well be imbued with "spirit", but are not the more archaic forms of picit or sajen keris. Talismanic keris such as the picit were created to serve very specific purposes in the lives of their caretakers, purposes that are perhaps less needed in today's modern Indonesian society. Talismanic keris are most often not particularly "pretty" things, at least not in the usually accepted guidelines of what makes a "good" keris, which could be why modern empus are not usually asked to make them. I can only speculate, but i would image that the exact formula of prayer, meditation, fasting, work days of the week and numerical values that may have been employed to create a keris picit changed somewhat for each specific purpose and person that keris was being devised for so i see little practical use in alluding to "THE" esoteric method that may have been used to produce these very interesting blades, especially since these secrets will undoubtably never be shared here even if they are still known.
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