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Old 13th August 2014, 04:13 AM   #5
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Well, i suppose one could call them "blessing markings". I have always considered the act to be one way in which the empu "charges" the keris. I have a few of these which i am pretty sure are the real deal. None of them are keris sajen btw, but they are fairly early talismanic blades. One has 3 imprints (2 on on side and one on the other). I also have one with 5 which all seem to have been pressed from the same side. I think that with most things relating to keris the key factor in that the number of imprints will be odd just as with the number of luk. But yes, this is indeed, most probably a spiritual/magickal act by the empu. It may not serve the same purpose or be meant to deliver the same exact energy into the blade in each and every case though. I would think that the exact nature/purpose of the act will probably not be discernible at this point in time however.
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