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Old 11th August 2014, 11:59 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Robert
I just looked at what this was stolen for, I mean was paid for this barong and WOW what luck. As far as age I would agree that it is second quarter of the 20th century, but I'm not knowledgable enough to be more exact in pinning down the dateing. Because the auction photos do not show it all that clearly (at least to me) I would wait until it has arrived and you have had time to inspect it more thoroughly before making any decision on whether or not the wire wrapping should be removed. Who knows, maybe with a little straightening out the wire wrapping will look just fine, and you must also keep in mind that the wire is part of this barongs history much like the paint job on the bolo I have posted. Not my cup of tea but history just the same. Congratulation for having been given, I mean winning this nice barong.


Thank you Robert,

yes it was a bargain also when it is in this pitiable condition. And I agree with you that I need to inspect it more thoroughly to decise what is to do with it. In this thread were shown barongs with this sort of wrapping at the hilt: The barongs in this thread has a much better looking hilt wrapping in silver.

Best regards,
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