11th August 2014, 11:42 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Germany, Dortmund
Posts: 9,126
Originally Posted by Shakethetrees
I would make sure the wooden grip was not grooved to better hold the wire. I've seen this on other pieces, where a repair late during the working life was done without regard to the object.
I think once the wire comes off, the grip will split, or will want to split.
I would remove it carefully, once it's been determined the wood was not grooved for repair. Clean any glue residue carefully and with as much precision that you have available, internally pin the two halves together and glue. Custom cut and fit as many glue blocks as you thing you may need to clamp the pieces together securely and precisely. If there are more than two pieces, you will want to go in stages, taking care not to stick things together and later find that an undercut prevents later fitting! (I learned this the hard way!).
Finish however you think it should look. I do not want to comment on this because I would need to be familiar with it in person. There are many ways to go here.
Once the finish is as close to perfect as it can be, remount using shellac resin or pitch, whichever way,it was originally mounted. DO NOT USE GLUE, or other permanent fixes. In a good, sensitive restoration, you always want to be able to back out! This is imperative.
The scabbard looks like it could be tackled with some care and a lot of study.
Remember: go slowly, and do not do anything that cannot be undone.
Now back to the earlier situation. If the grip has been grooved for the wire during a period repair, remove it, repair the grip as outlined above. Once that's done to your satisfaction, you might consider either silver plated copper, naked copper or silver wire, depending on what you think the piece merits. There is no way to undo any grooves cut in, so you're stuck with a lesser of evils approach.
Make sure the wire used whatever it is is annealed dead soft. It will cooperate a lot better.
Hello Shakethetrees,
thank you very much for your elaborate comment. Be sure that I will handle all very carefully. Frankly said I can't see any evidence that the handle is splitted or that there are carved grooves to keep the wire in place. But the pictures are not very clear and the wish let me maybe see it like this!
When I will have the sword in my hands I will post better pictures but this will need some time because the seller used this weird "global shipping program" and the barong will be shipped to my family in the States.