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Old 1st August 2014, 07:19 PM   #3
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Interesting pieces! The blade of the sundang shows some interesting chiseling at the forte. The hilt appears to be a later replacement....OR ,perhaps, is a Malay version missing some of its rattan bands, as the pommel style seems to correspond more to Malay styles. The style of the scabbard reminds me of Yakan styles(a possible Borneo link).

The instant I saw the kampillan, like Vandoo, I immediately wondered if it might be from Borneo, with that shorter hilt and extensive carvings. But, did Borneo kampillans also have hand guards??? I am not sure.

At first glance I would not be surprised to find that both these pieces came from Borneo.

I am curious what others have to say about them.
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