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Old 23rd July 2014, 02:33 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Jean, to the best of my knowledge there is no English translation available for either of these works.

"--Panangguhing--" was translated into Indonesian and republished a few years ago, I think. I believe I have a copy of this and I've been trying to find it but I cannot. What I have are a couple of copies of the original, one is a photocopy, and I had a translation done into Indonesian about 30 years ago. Its a bad translation, and the original Javanese uses a lot of words that nobody I know can understand.

"--Silsilah--" has never been translated for public use, nor published for public use, as far as I am aware. However there are lots of copies of it floating around if you know the right people. The problem used to be that the people who had a copy would not make it available to others unless they were very close to them.

A couple of recent books have drawn upon Silsilah, but both authors have made errors in what they have drawn from it.
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