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Old 21st July 2014, 04:24 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by asomotif
Is someone going to mention the "spray paint"patina?
Well Willem, i guess you are…
I have not had any opportunity to view these objects in person. These were cell phone photos i took from my friend's FB page. So i will reserve any comment on patina, spayed on or otherwise, until i can actually examine these in person. However, i am more concerned with their origins then whether or not they were created for a tourist market or not. They were found in a flea market and the seller called them "Voodoo Hats", apparently oblivious to their true origins. They were BOTH bought for the price of one good dinner, which when you consider that monkey skulls just by themselves range from about $150 on up depending on the type of skull, was a pretty good deal. I am more trying to pin down the culture they belong so i wasn't really noticing if they had been artificially aged or not.
So, do you agree with Ifugao or do you have some other idea?
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