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Old 17th July 2014, 04:29 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Ian,
Thank you so much for the kind words, and I have been remiss in not welcoming you back great to have you here again!!! Its been a long time my friend.
I also thank you for the note on these bells, an interesting feature clearly found in weapons and material culture in many ethnographic contexts.

These interesting parrying weapons, in similar manner, have diffused into many cultures and influenced other weapon forms such as the 'haladie' which is the dual bladed dagger of course from India, Middle East and Sudan among other versions.

I must add that the connection I found in looking further into this madu weapon form was far more esoteric than I had expected, and hopefully will add perspective to the cursory material found in the usual references.
As always I do look forward to entries with additional information or examples.

All the very best,
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