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10th July 2014, 10:42 AM
Marcus den toom
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 534
a quick post before heading to my girl friend again :)
Your both correct, Stangenbüchse... but even more difficult, der/die/das/die Stangenbüchse (internet says "das"
) . I never have been good at gramatics, i even got only a 6 (out of 10) on my Dutch language exams and a 9 for English
My parents returned from there holiday and they also visited some German castles, among them Veste Lundinghausen. They have a haquebut, excavated from nearby, with a reproduction stock on it. The whole thing resembles the Maximilian style a bit, but it is not one of them. The touch hole is to close to the breech to be a Maximilian type among other things.... also it is octagonal, the pan is to big and the barrel mouth is to massive.
The last picture is the description of this haquebut by the castle. 1440 seems far from the truth, without looking at the thread Michl has provided us i would say at least 50 to 60 years later based on the pan (the most recent feature). The barrel might have been reworked during its life. The hook seems older to me..
Marcus den toom
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