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Old 20th June 2014, 03:47 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2009
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It's impossible for me to tell from pictures if it's an old, neglected blade, or a new, artificially aged. Yet old Keris Bahari with this Pamor do exist. I know of three blades, one of them old for sure, one which looks old and one which I have seen "in person". They all have more complete Greneng and blade shape than this one. Becouse of the state of preservation I cannot say about the quality of pamor work, yet it seems to be better at least on two of the other blades.

Actually I always was tempted to see these (old ones) as products of one workshop, becouse of the rarity of this pamor and superficial similarity of the blades. I also think, none of them is older then the very end of 19th cent/beginning 20th cent. Of course, it's an oppinion of a not well informed person.

I don't think, these blades were made by Minang - your scabbard is Minang. A Saribulan would look better.
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