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Old 19th June 2014, 06:33 AM   #8
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Sabah al-khair Ibrahiim,

Thank you very much.
i have seen these threats.
The object is stored elsewhere, I will check your request next week.
My questions are : is it an imported blade?
And should I use leather or metal wire to cover the hilt?

Best wishes,
Salaams Kubur... I cannot say because I need to know the answer on flexibility first since a stiff blade will give a totally different answer. Omani flexible dancing blades, on the other hand, were made in Oman. I have seen cross hilted straight blades which are stiff and inflexible masquerading as dancing blades but which were imported via Yemen from Ethiopia, originally imported from Germany...and given the cross hilt treatment in Muscat for the tourist market...proliffic since 1970.

Thus the importance of the flexibility indicator question.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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