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Old 17th June 2014, 10:57 AM   #2
Marcus den toom
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A classical case of denial on the politicians part, for the nature of humans is always to exceed what they deem weaker than themselfs. It is what has driven mankind for thousands of years, to progress to a better future.

To deny this part of our history is to deny the lessons we have learned as well and that is a thought that even my young mind worries about.

And to state that such old weapons would encourage people to go insane is beyond sanity itself. I never saw anyone carying a hand cannon into a school!! The truth is that most of these horors occure because of neglected information and extensive and costly bureaucracy. Here in the netherlands for instance, we had a young boy shoot people at a mall. He was known to be having psychological problems, but the police gave him a weapon permit anyway!!!!
And this is not a unique instance, it happens all the time. Such troubled people have always existed, but only in our day and age they are somehow granted accces to MODERN firearms.
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