Thread: Tahiti Guard
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Old 15th June 2014, 07:07 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
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Amazing the information found online with search engines!! Nicely done Ibrahiim. It is so much different than the old days where one had to write to museums and hope for something more than a form letter, and waiting weeks to months for that.
Here on our forums all one has to do is use the search feature to access archived discussions associated with the topic at hand .

I am wondering KraVseR, what prompted this rather esoteric question, was there a weapon you have seen or acquired which brought this up? or is this simply a general question from your reading? What source was your reference?
Do you mean are there still Tahitian guards as a traditional unit? and what type uniforms and weapons did they use later? Probably French as I believe these islands became French protectorates.

Ironically the Russian hussar sabres of the period you note were based on French patterns, so there may not have been much difference.
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