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Old 15th June 2014, 09:20 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 24
Default Keris blade from Solo or Sumatra?

Dear all,

Another straight blade for identification. Got it without a sheath and topped with a planar Solo hilt but that is not a correct indicator.
Let me describe it and hope someone will have a clue.
It is a heavy blade with a well pronounced Ada-ada and sharp angled gandik. The peksi tall and thick with 7 cm. Blade ( excl. peksi) only 30,5 cm!
Pamor still revealed but could be Pedaringan Kebak but it needs cleaning and that could be helpful identifying the origin.
At one pic I have compared it with a Sumatran blade but it misses the gusen and could not find an equal piece in my collection with the same line along the blade: the Ada-ada.
Not within the Javanese pakem? Then what? Which sarong will be appropriate? Have these spare ones but they might not do and one is to short?
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