Thread: New old club
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Old 7th June 2014, 06:41 AM   #2
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to clarify any misunderstandings: i was a bit terse in the original post, preferring to wait until it arrived to wax more lyrical, leaving it open to misinterpretation.

1. new to me - i meant that as in i never had a club like that myself. did not mean to imply the club itself was newly made or a replica.*
2. old club. - yes, it's an antique, likely 1900-1940 as was listed. i was asking if it could be pinned down a bit more.
3. there was an added the question mark to the description on ebay as to the locational origin. i asked if anyone could pin it's origin down more closely is all. fiji and samoa being a bit different.
4. i like the club as shown and am eagerly awaiting it so i can hold it and love it and stroke it and polish it and brag about it. been looking for one like it for a while. i'm surprised it was not bid on by others, i was prepared to bid more if they had. this one was, i thought, prettier than the other on offer.
5. the foot in one of the vendor's pictures is a perfectly nice foot. it shows the scale of the item.
6. i will post the traditional in hand photos and add more dimensions and the weight after it arrives as it was not listed.

*- i have nothing but respect for the supplier and his other wares, collecting clubs is new to me so i have questions rather than answers, and want to learn more from those more knowledgeable. the suppliers blurb on ebay was a useful and honest appraisal of the item, but as i eagerly await it, i want to learn more. i called the flattened section the 'blade' because, while it is not a traditional metal blade, i don't know what else to call it, it's a 'blade' to me, the whole being a 'sword' club until someone corrects me.

Last edited by kronckew; 7th June 2014 at 11:16 AM.
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