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Old 6th June 2014, 10:12 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Carla,

What puzzles me is the 'akik' stone on top of the head. It is encrusted in silver but not meant as a cover-up for a damaged peksi hole ( which has happened but more below). But I can't exclude another damage for which this application with semi-precious stones is done? Any explanation for it or just for decoration?
I'm sure it's not an original decoration. If (smaller) stones are inserted, these don't break the flow of lines. There are a few bits of the carving broken off a long time ago and I guess that this later addition is to cover more extensive damage to the top of the hilt.

I'm with the others that this is a Minang hilt with quite typical carving work. This type of hilt often comes with a cup-shaped selut and slender stem. Your Minang selut might also do for the time being.

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