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Old 6th June 2014, 07:51 AM   #4
kronckew's Avatar
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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dewclaws are a right pain in the, er, leg.

one of my greyhounds never had his - i think they removed them when he was born. the other had hers, but they'd snag on stuff, tear the nail off, get hurt, got infected, etc. i'd make sure the nail was clipped as short as possible on the dews. removiung the claw in an adult is not easy, it's like having your pinky finger chopped off. she pulled the claw almost all off once, went to the vet. he pulled off the rest, bled like a fountain until he cauterized it. it grew back in a few months.

poppy, my current saluki lurcher has hers too. so far no problems but i suspect a couple times she's wiped out running & hurt her paw were from snagging the dewclaw in long wet grass & tripping.

(i call her my ridgeback as she has a distinct herringbone pattern in the fur down her spine & distinct from the hair away from the spine.)

they used the ridgies to hunt lions in rhodesia. fearless little buggers.
salukis were/are used in the arabian penninsula to hunt antelope and small game, and have more stamina than greys. poppy loves to run. and run.

p.s. - a lurcher is a cross between a sighthound, ie. a greyhound or saluki/borzoi/deerhound/etc. and another breed, like a collie - or a rhosdesian ridgeback. poppy is half saluki - and half something else.

Last edited by kronckew; 6th June 2014 at 08:01 AM.
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