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Old 26th May 2014, 09:02 AM   #5
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more iwisas (not mine) which were UK soldiers bring backs from the zulu war in the 19c. the long ones were more like badges of office & probably carried by the more elderly indunas or izindunas leading the impis. most of these are likely made from 'assagai'; wood. some were made entirely from rhino horn and are/were highly prized. and impossible to buy or otherwise obtain nowadays.

my old neighbor in fairford, glos. UK had one like the 7th from the left hanging over the door to his kitchen. he'd inherited it from his grandfather who got it from his father. he had no idea what it was, he just liked it. he thought it was some sort of farm impliment. being honest i told him what it was and it's likely history and value. i probably could have bought it off him for a song, but that wouldn't be fair.
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Last edited by kronckew; 26th May 2014 at 09:47 AM.
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