Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
So takoubas did have steroids too!!!
This one is amazing, and it would seem significant as perhaps a ceremonial type bearing sword? If I understand correctly these extra wide blades would suggest power etc. and of course much easier to see in a large assembly of tribesmen.
I always forget, that four petaled floral motif seems often seen, but can it be more or less specific to origin from a certain tribe or region?
Hi Jim, indeed some takouba seem to have "juiced" up a bit! These seem to mainly be used by palace guards, those close to the emir etc. Partially status symbols, but still fully functional weapons and the repeated sharpening and edge wear on these bear that out. These also seem to be found in regions where perhaps less of the blade trade penetrated. North Cameroon, Nupe areas etc.
The four petal motif is derived from common Berber stylistic elements.