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Old 18th May 2014, 03:15 PM   #1
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Default Mindanao kris, need help advise

Have bought some time ago this Mindanao kris, I think it's a Maguindanao kris, nothing special but I like the scabbard and the execution of the gangya or greneng work.
The scabbard was in two pieces held together pieces of fabric, I've glued them, later the scabbard will get some brass bands since I think there have been originally metal bands. The blade has had some minor corrosion spots, I've cleaned and polished the blade, finally I have etched the blade.
The hilt wrapping is lost at some places; under the wrapping is red cloth and the seller (who is a member of this forum) stated that this is a sign that this kris was carried in the rebellion against the Spanish.
Here we come to my question; do you would let the handle in this state or would you recruit the missing wrapping?

First some pictures from the seller.
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