David, I do not usually save photos of anything newer than the 1940's (and very few of those) but I will look through my albums and see what I can find. Most of the later form of fist hilts that I have seen have been on various auction sites and estate sales. I have seen them on what I would call "semi transitional and semi traditional" pieces, even talibongs, barongs and just about any other form of Philippine edged weapon. Most of the later ones that I have seen have been made from either horn or wood but I have also seen them in brass and aluminum. I have even seen a hinalung mounted with a fist hilt.

Almost all of the ones that I have seen seem to fall into the "made for those who travel" category and again that is why I do not usually save the photos.
Jose, I agree that this was made before the the 1960's and it could possibly date as far back as the 30's but, I have yet to see a fist carved in this style that was any older than the 40's. There have been so many Philippine weapons coming out of closets and other hiding places and onto the market lately that there is the possibility that one hilted like this with provenance that dates it back to the 30's or earlier will show up. It is just too bad that there a no other photos of this dagger and hilt that are clearer than the ones above.