Welcome to the forum Harry. I must say that is a really beautiful reproduction of a Tlingit dagger. Leo took up the challenge and did a fine job. I would image that he probably used the blade below as at least a partial template for this work.
I hope you will forgive me though, if i suggest that you still do not actually own a Tlingit dagger. Though a beautiful reproduction for sure it does not carry the cultural intent or purpose of the blade it has been designed after nor has it been crafted by that culture. These were very special ritual blades that had a real function within the society that produced them. The dagger below is named Keet Gwalaa (Killer whale dagger).
I don't say this simply to put a damper on you new baby. Personally i would love to own such an exquisite repro as this. If we were on a blade smith forum or some other knife collector's forum it probably wouldn't require mentioning. But since we are an ethnographic weapon's site i feel it is necessary to state the difference. Enjoy your new dagger. It is a pretty stunning thing.