Damn homie, looks like that Barung has been through plenty battles. Pair that Barung with an agimat shirt, guarantee you'll be coming home after each skirmish for sure.
Seriously, that is a real beauty. Judging by the amount of work put into it, it was probably owned by a Datu that used it to go into battles with.
Until now I've never seen a munsala on a Barung. There might be a Barung with a munsala on the Moro Weapons postcard. The Barung on the right hand side looks like it has one trailing from the hilt, going down across the top part of the blade.
Congrats on a very fine addition to your armory.
Originally Posted by Spunjer
i wish Kino would post that barung (hint, hint  )there's not too much of these inlayed barung posted here.