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Old 26th April 2014, 07:48 PM   #23
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Outstanding grouping there Ricky!!!! Thank you for posting it,
Ibrahiim, as always fantastic historic data which adds great perspective here .
Naturally there are those who will express concerns about the depth of the material added, and extensive text.....but I would remind everyone this material is simply context for readers who are researching subject matter.
This comprehensive data is there for those who chose to read it or use is not required reading nor will there be a quiz!!!

I for one, very much appreciate the intriguing and helpful contributions you take the time to assemble and enter on these topics . Thank you.

KraVseR, as Norman well explained, these images comprise various subjects and individuals which indeed provide context with which to view the general topics here. While Zaporozhian Cossacks have become a focal point in much of the discussion the objective has been showing the usefulness of many artworks in learning more on weapons we study.
Its great to have your input however, as you are from these regions we find so intriguing and these fascinating Cossack groups.
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