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Old 14th April 2014, 05:39 PM   #7
Marcus den toom
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I am to predictable

Thank you Michael, these petronels are highly interesting.
A few questions though, the lockplate of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg petronel doesn't seem to fit that well? It almost looks like it used to be a rectangular lockplate instead of the rounded one. Now i know that guns are prone to the style of the period and that more than once a gun was changed to a later style, but the remainder of the gun is still untouched.

My second query is about a second reason for the lack of a grander implementation of breechloading guns. The lock would have to be to far forward on the stock that it would become impractical. Mainly because of the inner mechanisms botching with the barrel and the trigger mechanism beeing to far forward as well.

Thank you again.


Last edited by Marcus den toom; 15th April 2014 at 02:04 PM.
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