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Old 12th April 2014, 02:17 PM   #149
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Prasanna, the more i search for the Kasthana, the more i come across the Calachurro.
Listen to what Constantino Sá de Miranda (1638) writes in his Saragoça Codice, folio 47R:

… in this pagoda place the régulos (chiefs) of those first days had their court under the name of Deynoura which means city of God, today called by the Portuguese Tanauaré from the name of a neighbor village where the dancers of this pagoda lived, and (still) also (they) do it with (term) corruption, because its proper (name) will be Natandauaré which in the Chingala language means where to dance, where excellent casting work is done, copper, silver and gold, like calachurro grips, knives, locks and other things.

We may conclude from here that the Calachurro existance is an undeniable fact ... and that its grip was metalic.
On the other hand i had a look to all 199 articles pages; and again no Kasthane mention.

The work where i picked this text from, is called "os Olhos do Rei" (Kings eyes) and has lots of interesting information on Ceylon, including very interesting period maps. Pity that it is not translated; i think you would find it interesting for your perusal.

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